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how do we download the plugin? I don't see a download option.

There might be a move route bug in the demo. After talking with Carandol, they proceeded to follow me until they boxed me in by the flower shop so I couldn't move


The plugin looks fine from the demo that I was able to play. I would suggest setting up some finished and completed quests in the demo so we could see how those look.

Although, I do like having access to the quest log by pressing the "Q" on the keyboard. I think one should also be able to access through the main window when one pausing the game to look at items, saves, equipment, etc. (Some players use controllers or play on their phones so it would be a nice addition to your plugin.)

The look is very nice and smooth though. I am sure it will be awesome once you finish it for release.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was unsure whether it would be interesting to access the Quests window through the "main menu". But I think what you said really makes sense.

In this demo, we have 5 missions configured. I developed them as I refined the script. In the future I intend to post a simpler and more objective demo.

I'm really grateful for the feedback. Your suggestions are noted!